Poop colors and causes


baby care
2 min readApr 9, 2021

In infants more youthful than multi week, dark is a solid tone for stool. After this time, notwithstanding, it could demonstrate a medical issue.

During the initial 24 hours of life, an infant will pass meconium. This is thick, dark stool. It is comprised of cells, amniotic liquid, bile, and bodily fluid ingested while in the belly. Meconium is sterile, so it for the most part doesn’t smell.

Absurd few days of life, an infant will keep on passing meconium. The tone ought to progressively change from dark to dim green, at that point yellow.

Following multi week of life, stool should presently don’t be dark. On the off chance that a dark shading perseveres, look for clinical counsel. It could imply that there is some seeping in the stomach related framework.


This is a typical shade of crap from a breastfed infant. Their crap will in general be dim yellow

also, may have little specks in it.

These bits come from breastmilk and are innocuous. Crap from breastfed children is frequently portrayed as “undesirable.” The supposed seeds may look like curds in curds however are yellow.

Earthy colored or orange

This is a typical shade of crap from a recipe took care of child.

At the point when an infant drinks equation, their crap will in general light earthy colored or orange. It could be somewhat more obscure and firmer than stool from a breastfed child.


Numerous infants periodically have green crap. Some potential causes include:

moderate processing, as a rule in light of the fact that the child has eaten more than expected

green food sources in the eating regimen of the breastfeeding mother

a cold or stomach bug

a food sensitivity or prejudice

anti-infection agents, either in the child or the breastfeeding mother

treatment for jaundice


This is anything but a sound crap tone.

Crap is generally red on the grounds that there is blood in it. Look for clinical exhortation.

The infant may have a medical issue, or they may have gulped a modest quantity of blood. This could occur if a breastfeeding mother has broken or draining areolas. Another reason for red crap is seeping from the child’s base.


This is certainly not a solid tone for stool.

White crap is extraordinary and could show a liver issue.

Jaundice, for instance, is exceptionally regular in infants, influencing as numerous as 80% of these children in their initial not many long periods of life. It normally disappears inside the initial fourteen days.

Any individual who presumes that their infant actually has jaundice following 14 days should check the shade of their crap. Pale or white crap may recommend liver sickness. Another sign to search for is yellow pee.

On the off chance that the infant has white or pale stool, the specialist may test their bilirubin levels. Bilirubin is a compound that assists the body with disposing of waste. There are two sorts of bilirubin, and if levels of one kind are excessively high, it can mess wellbeing up.

